RPG Stat Buttons


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(2.25 inch pinback buttons/can badges)

Look, we all know our archetypes, even if we don't flaunt them.

" STR: And my axe" Strength players are our massive, beefy, brave companions who just REALLY like to turn things into paste.

"DEX: Watch this!" Dexterity players are quick, nimble, and are just...constant showoffs.

"CON: I feel fine?" Constitution players - sorry, did we say STR players were beefy? We meant CON players.

"INT: I wonder what this does?" Intelligence players are brilliant...at getting themselves and others into trouble. It's getting OUT that makes them legends.

"WIS: I have a bad feeling about this" Wisdom players: the thin line between their friends and certain doom.

"CHA: Did you just say 'wink'?" Charisma players...are just..Like That. You know what we mean. If you don't, we're sorry. You're the CHA player.